
Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Why do we see flaws when we look in the mirror when there really isn’t any at all!


Ok so we all do this.. before we even look in the mirror we most often think of the worse.  Well i do a lot.. “ok let’s see how bad my hair looks today”.. or  ” wish my skin was clearer”..etc.. then I look in the mirror and thats all you see cause your train of thoughts have led you there before you have even had a glance. Big deal a pimple on your nose or you are aging (as we all do) and you  have a wrinkle on your forehead. That’s life baby, let’s age with pride… and be thankful for the face you have on that head that’s on that body.  You only get one face so if you don’t love it who the hell else will!!

So the other day as I was washing my face and rinsing before I rose up to the mirror I said to myself..” Danielle you are healthy, beautiful and blessed ” sounds so cheesy but I looked in the mirror and I felt like a million bucks..  i left the house that morning feeling great.  Funny when we feel fresh and proud of the way we look we walk and talk more confident too.

Try this out tomorrow and when you look in that mirror you see all your true beauty from the inside out… then pay it forward, let’s set a goal to tell at least one person a day what we love about them, heck we all like a complement so why don’t we say it more!?!!

Look there is no perfect nose, eyes, colour,  who decides whats perfect anyways ? We are all a miracle on this planet to begin with so if you ask me we are all pretty damn beautiful!

Have a fresh day Adrenaline Junkies, be proud of who you are and where your going!!